
Scout & Hunter's Instagram page
Amabea Samuel Whiskers
D.O.B 02/05/2015
This third litter saw for us a fantastically unexpected plot twist…we were going to be keeping a boy. I always knew that at least one puppy from this litter would be gifted their mother’s (Sky) personality and unique set of characteristics, and that parting with this little person would weigh heavy on our hearts. Although not immediately obvious, it became clearer over time that Mr Green shared with Sky the same quiet confidence, slow bumbling movements, and thoughtfulness that we so fondly remember from Sky’s own puppy days. A change in circumstances, to our relief, meant that Mr Green could stay with us, having two permanent homes to move between. A quiet studious life in Lincoln, and a vibrant and busy life in Loughborough with the rest of the Gray clan. Mr Green, now ‘Hunter’, seems the most apt name for the son of Sky, our huntress. Amidst his pottering about and carefree play in the garden, like Sky, he pauses for brief moments of sniffing, smelling the air for a whiff of nearby critters and tasty meals indoors. He has the appetite of a giant, however doesn’t waste the opportunity to build his own chicken neck cache when he can no longer stomach another- also like Sky. We know when Sky and Hunter are contented and at their happiest when they let out throaty ‘woo woos’…their tummies wobbling as they lay on their sides. Finally, Hunter has inherited Sky’s way of carefully and very intimately sniffing at your hands. It feels like a uniquely personal investigation of your whole physical being, and Hunter tends to do this at the most still times of day, bedtime and morning time. It fills me with great relief that we have not let this boy go. We cannot wait to observe him become his own person, alongside his sister Scout and other doggy family members here, however are quietly and excitedly filled with the joy of knowing that he is a well and truly a ‘Sky-baby.’