
Planned Litters

If you would like more information about future litters, please email us in the first instance. Include your name, address, and landline telephone number and we will reply as soon as possible. If you could include as much information about yourselves: family, pets, work commitments, and anything else that might be of interest to us. Also, if you could take some time to look at our PUPPIES 2013 and PUPPIES 2015 pages (click here) and you will be able to see how we rear our puppies. *Please note* we ONLY consider homes where raw feeding and natural rearing is continued.
Only permanent loving homes will be considered for one of our precious golden babies.
We are a small kennel here, and a great deal of time and attention will be spent on
any puppies we breed. We therefore expect puppies to receive the very highest standard of
care throughout the whole of their lives.
Our dogs and future choice of Stud dog will have had all the relevant health tests, elbow/hip scores and current clear eye certificates. My advice will be that you DO NOT spay or neuter your puppy/adult dog or bitch unless for necessary medical reasons. There is a body of evidence that suggest links to health problems following early and late neutering/spaying. See Links page (click here) for further information. I expect future puppies to go to homes where the natural diet is continued (I will provide lots of support and guidance with this), and that you have an understanding of the current vaccination recommendations by the WSAVA. My own dogs receive the initial puppy shots, but are then titre tested at one year old and then every 3 years. This is to check anti-body levels for the core diseases. Details can be found on the Links page.
* All of our puppies will be registered with the Kennel Club (with endorsements, see below), microchipped, health checked here in the home, wormed, and will leave us with 4 weeks free insurance, a puppy goodie bag including bedding, toys, a puppy folder and a small supply of food. You will also have to sign a contract on the day you collect your puppy, details of the endorsements below will be in the contract. Puppies will leave at between 8-10 weeks. We will of course be available at any time for advice whenever you need it.
These will appear on your KC pedigree certificate as follows:
Progeny not eligible for registration: (Prevents indiscriminate breeding). These will not be lifted under any circumstance.
Progeny not eligible for an export pedigree: (Prevents puppies being sold and shipped abroad, does not exclude you from taking your pet on holiday overseas)
The Breed Standard
GENERAL APPEARANCE. Symmetrical, balanced, active, powerful, level mover, sound with kindly expression.
Characteristics. Biddable, intelligent and possessing natural working ability.
Temperament. Kindly, friendly and confident.
Head and Skull. Balanced and well-chiselled, skull broad without coarseness; well set on neck, muzzle powerful, wide and deep. Length of foreface approximately equals length from well-defined stop to occiput. Nose preferably black.
Eyes. Dark brown, set well apart, dark rims.
Ears. Moderate size, set on approximate level with eyes.
Mouth. Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set to the jaws.
Neck. Good length, clean and muscular.
Forequarters. Forelegs straight with good bone, shoulders well laid back, long in blade with upper arm of equal length placing legs well under body. Elbows close fitting.
Body. Balanced, short coupled, deep through heart. Ribs deep and well sprung. Level topline.
Hindquarters. Loin and legs strong and muscular, good second thighs, well bent stifles. Hocks well let down, straight when viewed from rear, neither turning in nor out. Cowhocks highly undesirable.
Feet. Round and cat-like.
Tail. Set on and carried level with back, reaching the hocks, without curl at tip.
Gait/Movement. Powerful with good drive. Straight and true in front and rear. Stride long and free with no sign of hackney action in front.
Coat. Flat or wavy with good feathering, dense water-resisting undercoat.
Colour. Any shade of gold or cream, neither red nor mahogany. A few white hairs on chest only, permissible.
Size. Height at withers: Dogs 56-61 cms (22-24 ins); Bitches 51-56 cms (20-22 ins).
Faults. Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Note. Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Denmarella Follow The Sun JW ShCM
1CC 1ResCC
'Lees' Denmarella Follow The Sun, & he did today, his lovely coat shone in the sun. Well constructed dog with a balanced head, good eye shape complimented by his excellent pigment. Straight front, plenty of bone, nice tight feet. Deep in ribs and loin, well angulated hind quarters with a well set on tail. He just floated round the ring. CC & BOB, he kept the flag flying in the group and was shortlisted.' - Judge S Goodwin